
以下是校园LGBTQIA+的标志性活动列表! 每年, the QTRAC and the Sexuality And Gender Alliance (the student LGBTQIA+ organization) work to ensure that there is a plethora of inclusive events happening throughout the school year.

每年秋季学期开始的时候, the QTRAC and 跨文化中心 host an open house event during the Weeks of Welcome. This event is usually accompanied by free food, fun games and entertainment, and a ton of people.

一年级学生, Open House is a great opportunity to see the resources that the two centers provide as well as find a community where you feel included. 我们鼓励员工, faculty, and returning students to also attend Open House to help us welcome the new class of students. 

In the lead-up to National Coming Out Day (Oct 11th), SAGA plans a week's worth of programming. Past events have included movie screenings, guest speakers, tie dye, 还有更多!

On National Coming Out Day (Oct 11th), the QTRAC hosts a BBQ in the center of campus! 我们把美味的食物混合在一起, 赠送骄傲旗, 草坪上游戏, 展位照片, 还有音乐来创造一个难忘的庆祝活动. 


Trans Week of Remembrance (TWOR) is typically hosted the week prior to November 20th which is the National Trans Day of Remembrance (TDOR). 在准备TDOR的过程中, we engage in raising awareness of the oppression that trans folks face, 除了, to directly challenging that oppression by centering trans joy. 

跨性别纪念日(11月20日), the QTRAC hosts a vigil to honor the lives lost to transphobic violence during the year. This is a time when our community needs allies and advocates to step up and listen to our community to help stop the violence. 在宣读完名字和肖像之后, community members can read poetry or perform spoken word for the audience. 

During the first week of December, SAGA hosts a Drag Bingo event! Local drag performers are brought to campus to perform and run the bingo. 学生们可以在欣赏表演的同时赢得奖品!

The QTRAC intends to host RWU's first Gender and Sexuality Symposium on International Womens Day (March 8th, 2024). This event will showcase faculty and student research on a variety of topics related to gender and/or sexuality. The goal of the symposium is to demonstrate the value of gender and sexuality as academic topics and to promote equity on campus through education. 

If you are interested in presenting your research at the symposium, 请联络我们的同志事务助理主任 & 跨性别倡议- Jamie Wire (jwire@rwu).edu). 报告将在早春征求. 

In the middle of the Spring semester, the QTRAC hosts a queer-centric prom! Students are encouraged to dress up in whatever way brings them confidence, 拍照, 走进舞池, 庆祝酷儿的快乐 & love. 

Hosted in April, SAGA hosts a week of events and programming to celebrate LGBTQIA+ Pride. Celebrating Pride Week is about showing a very visible display of love for our LGBTQIA+ RWU folks. 过去的事件包括一只机械独角兽, 音乐艺术家, jeopardy, 花朵盆栽, 快餐车, 还有更多!


2018年5月,QTRAC & 跨文化中心 hosted Roger Williams' inaugural Lavender Graduation. Lavender Graduations happen at universities throughout the country and serve as an inspiring and affirming way for us to celebrate the successes of our queer and trans students. 这个活动为我们的LGBTQIA+学生创造了空间, 他们的家庭, and their friends to gather one last time and to reflect on their growth throughout their time here at Roger. 想要了解更多关于RWU第一届典礼的信息,请点击 点击这里!

从那以后,拉文达每年都会举办毕业典礼! The graduation ceremony is entirely free for students, their friends, and families to attend. 

除了上面列出的主要事件之外, the QTRAC also engages in minor events on various Visibility and Awareness Days and hosts programs focused on queer and trans wellness before and after breaks in the school year. 在这些较小的活动中, you can expect information about the LGBTQIA+ identities being recognized, 免费的赠品, 和资源!


  • 9月23日——双性恋可见日
  • 10月26日——双性人宣传日
  • 十月上周-无性意识周
  • 12月8日——泛性骄傲日
  • 3月31日-跨能见度日
  • 4月26日——女同性恋曝光日
  • 7月14日——非二元人民日