
A headshot of Brittany Watson
Brittany Watson '19

Brittany Watson, RWU Class of 2019

主要:  市场营销

Brittany Watson chose RWU because of its warm, welcoming community. Now, more than ever, Watson is convinced she made the right decision.

"When I came to Roger Williams everyone was just so nice. It was just a really friendly, ‘people-hold-the-door’ for you kind of environment."

在校园, 学生可以放松, unwind by playing games of Wiffle Ball, or just reflect on their 学习, 沃森说. It's is a place where students can discover or feed their passions. 对沃森, that meant discovering a love of data through her marketing courses and giving back to the community by joining the Food Recovery Network. 而在这里, Watson has also been able to form strong, personal relationships with her professors, who are dedicated and always ready to support students and their interests, 她说.

It's been that combination of things and more that make RWU special for Watson. It all adds to the atmosphere that assures her RWU is home.