
Roger Williams University began offering 生活学习社区 (LLCs) more than fifteen years ago, when the University 荣誉项目 chose to include a living component to accompany the overall honors experience. 从那时起, 这所大学接待了许多类型的生活, ranging from major-based to special interest 和 affinity based spaces. We believe that 生活学习社区 are an integral piece of the RWU education, 尤其是对我们即将网赌的十大网站的学生.


  • 提高自信
  • 打开学生的思想,接受新的想法和经验
  • 提高学生在课堂上的参与度
  • 引导学生更批判性地思考,获得更深入的知识
  • Create a greater sense of connection to the university community

Our current LLC offerings have exp和ed as of the 24-25 academic year. Students will have the option to select whether they are in a special interest or affinity community, 或者如果他们喜欢选择他们特定的房间分配.  Students interested in these communities will identify their preferences 和 we will make every effort to match students with their preferences. Each area will be comprised of a cohort of approximately 20-40 students (depending on the residential community).


  • 让学生有更多的机会接触教职员工.
  • 在社区中创建一个社区
  • Allow for greater interaction with Peers 和 Resident Assistants
  • Serve the specific needs 和 interests of the students residing in them

LLCs at RWU are designed to help students get the most out of their first-year by strengthening the connection between the classroom 和 the residence hall, 并帮助他们从高中过渡到大学.  作为这些团体中的一员, students will have the support 和 encouragement they need to make the most of their college experience.

The application for all 生活学习社区 is available through your Housing Self Service Portal.  如果您没有在表格下看到申请 & 申请,请电邮至 rwuhousing@tilar.net. 


The 黑色的 和 Latinx Living Learning Community is a group of people from a variety of backgrounds, experiences 和 ethnicities who connect around the common experience of being racially 黑色的 or Latinx.  The 黑色的 和 Latinx LLC aims to make meaningful connections with peers 和 黑色的/Latinx faculty 和 administrators, 在国际扶轮社区与黑人/拉丁裔专业人士建立网路, participate in community collaborations through service projects that empower 黑色的/Latinx youth 和 engage with the campus community for institutional change.  This community is located in Building I of Stonewall Terrace 和 will be home to both first year 和 upperclassmen students.

协调员: 迈克尔·沃尔什


The Honors program is located in Building IV of Stonewall Terrace 和 is home to both first year 和 upperclassmen students.  Students entering the 荣誉项目 will be automatically placed in this Living Learning Community, unless they are commuting from home or would prefer an affinity-based LLC (i.e. 黑色的 & 拉丁裔或同性恋/变性人). 荣誉课程, 与有限责任公司协调, focuses on achieving excellence through intellectual 和 creative scholarship, fostering citizenship 和 social responsibility through reflective engagement with local 和 global communities 和 leading 和 serving within the program, 社区, 这个世界. 

项目负责人: Dr. 威廉·帕姆,工程学副教授

This community serves students who identify anywhere within the lesbian, 同性恋, 双性恋, 无性, 泛性的, 反式, 变性人, 非二进制, 以及性别不确定的社区. In partnership with the Queer 和 Trans Resource 和 Advocacy Center (QTRAC), this community allows for our queer 和 反式 communities to build a strong network of support while they adjust to life at RWU. This community also creates a safe space for our queer 和 反式 students to celebrate their shared identities.  The Queer/Trans LLC is located in Maple Hall for our first year students. Returning (upperclassmen) students have an additional community located within the suites of North Campus Residence Hall.

协调员: 迈克尔·沃尔什


The Sustainable Food Systems community is for upperclassmen students interested in taking an active role in promoting sustainability on campus. 取决于他们的兴趣, 学生可以帮助发展和维护校园花园, 参加烹饪示范或课程, 参观本地食品生产商, or coordinate events centered on education the RWU community about sustainable food systems. 通过这些活动, students will gain a familiarity with both campus 和 regional sustainability initiatives. FS101的学生, 食品科学概论, 在这个有限责任公司会有优先权吗. 可持续食品系统有限责任公司位于贝赛德法院.

协调员:  Dr. 詹妮弗·克雷夫特·皮尔斯,物理学副教授

This community provides a supportive 和 empowering environment specifically designed to meet the unique needs 和 interests of female-identified students. 在这个社区里, 居民可以培养深厚的联系和友谊, 参与关于共同经历的公开对话, 和 participate in programming tailored to personal 和 academic growth. 通过生活在这个包容和肯定的空间, 居民们被鼓励在学术上茁壮成长, 社会, 和个人, while building a strong sense of community 和 solidarity among their peers.


协调员: 黛比Knapman阿曼达·唐尼

This community provides a supportive 和 affirming environment where male identifying folks can explore what it means to be men both in their daily lives 和 in society as a whole. We will explore various models of masculinity 和 students will have the opportunity to explore how they feel 和 where they fit as it relates to masculinity.


协调员: 亚历山大Dukette

This community will focus on offering a dynamic experience tailored to students pursuing studies in various engineering disciplines. 在这个社区里, 学生可以参与动手项目, 协作解决问题活动, 和 specialized coursework designed to enhance their underst和ing of engineering principles. This LLC will foster a supportive 和 innovative environment where students can develop their technical skills, 培养团队合作能力, 和 build lasting connections with their peers 和 faculty members, preparing them for successful careers in engineering 和 related industries.


协调员: Dr. 莉莲Jeznech

This community allows residents to develop their leadership skills 和 make a positive impact on campus 和 in their future. 通过拥抱对个人和集体成长的承诺, students in this community will develop the confidence 和 skills needed to become effective leaders at RWU 和 beyond.


协调员: 卡罗尔Sacchetti

This community supports residents eager to explore potential career paths 和 gain practical experience in their chosen fields. 居民将培育一个由同伴和导师组成的支持性网络, empowering residents to navigate the complexities of the job market 和 make informed decisions about their future careers.


协调员: 玛丽澳网

This community provides a supportive 和 holistic environment for students committed to maintaining their physical 和 mental well-being. Residents will focus on personal growth, academic success, 和 positive social connections. 通过拥抱以健康为中心的生活方式, students in this community will cultivate habits that promote overall well-being.


协调员: Cristelle加尼叶

This community offers a low-volume environment for students seeking a peaceful living space focused on study 和 relaxation. Residents are encouraged to maintain a calm atmosphere through respectful noise levels 和 consideration for others' need for quietude. The community fosters a sense of mindfulness 和 mental well-being, allowing residents to thrive academically 和个人 in a peaceful 和 supportive community.

这个社区位于Willow 51.

协调员: 莉斯Furtado

This community is designed for students who thrive during late-night hours, 提供一个拥抱夜间生活方式的社区. Social programs are often scheduled during the evening 和 nighttime, fostering a lively 和 engaging environment when other parts of the campus are quiet. This community aims to create a supportive 和 vibrant community where students can balance their academic responsibilities 和 social interests, all within a setting that respects 和 nurtures their preference for staying up late. Residents in this community are still required to abide by 社区 st和ards around courtesy 和 quiet hours. 


协调员: 迈卡拉Calcagni

Pet Friendly Housing offers a welcoming 和 accommodating environment for students who wish to bring their pets to campus. Residents benefit from a supportive community of fellow pet owners or animal lovers, sharing tips 和 resources for maintaining their pets' health 和 happiness. 允许宠物, this community not only enhances the well-being of its residents but also creates a unique 和 vibrant living experience where students 和 their animal companions can thrive together.

This community is located in Willow 6's for First Year Students 和 Almeida 400's for Returning Students

协调员: 莉斯Furtado艾玛Spezeski



答:除了本网页提供的信息之外, 其中一些好处包括教师导师, special events 和 instant bonds with your classmates 和 faculty members.

 Q: I really want to be in an LLC; how do I make sure that I get in?

答:在学生完成住房申请之后, they will be able to apply for the Living Learning Community through a separate application/selection process. Those application links along with the program coordinator contact information can be found on this page (above). Program coordinators will select students based on the student's LLC application 和 space availability. 不能保证在这些社区中的安置.


A: Even with all of the added benefits, there is no additional cost to be part of any LLC. The cost is only associated with with the residential community the LLC resides in.


A:如果你已经知道你想和谁住在一起, you can indicate that on the Roommate Matching Characteristics Questionnaire.  It must be a mutual request to be considered 和 the roommate will have to either complete an LLC application as well or be accepted/approved by the LLC Program Coordinator.


A: We always do our best to match you with a roommate who will complement your lifestyle. While we have enjoyed great success in our process, we acknowledge that the process is not foolproof. 如果你和你的室友不愉快, 我们会尽力帮你解决的, or work with you to have you reassigned to a better living situation.